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A Guide to Social Listening

A Guide to Social Listening

Social listening emerges as a powerful tool, allowing businesses to monitor, analyse, and respond to conversations across social media platforms. In the digital era, social media platforms have transformed into vast repositories of consumer insights, presenting businesses with both an opportunity and a challenge.  The opportunity lies in harnessing this vast data to understand customer preferences,…

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Are You Building for the Web3-Verse Understanding the Next Iteration of the Internet

Are You Building for the Web3-Verse? Understanding the Next Iteration of the Internet

Is the centralized Web 2.0 reaching its limit? Dive into Web3, the next iteration of the internet, built on decentralization, user ownership, and blockchain technology.  The internet we know today, Web 2.0, is dominated by centralized platforms. These platforms control our data, dictate how we interact with each other and often prioritize profit over user experience.…

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Generative AI Closing the Divide Between Hype and Reality

Generative AI: Closing the Divide Between Hype and Reality

According to a survey, 67% of marketers in the online retail sector are leveraging GenAI to generate hyper-personalised recommendations. Delve into how generative AI enhances the marketing process by streamlining operations. Envision a world where marketers craft outcome-driven strategies infused with personalised touches, all through a few prompts. To enhance the experience, they can instantly engage…

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Is AI Part of Your Pricing Strategy

Is AI Part of Your Pricing Strategy?

AI can make dynamic pricing easier and better, as it facilitates continuous prediction, allowing for pivots for events in real-time Expense coverage and achieving a specific level of revenue criteria are critical for a business to grow and thrive. But how do you determine the right price for your goods and services? Use static prices, observe…

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Understanding Composable Tech Stack

Understanding Composable Tech Stack

Google Cloud Next '23 spotlights composable tech stacks - the future of agile business applications built from modular components for faster development and innovation. Google Cloud Next '23 unveils composable tech stack as the future of business agility. The recent Google Cloud Next '23 conference buzzed with innovative announcements, but one theme stood out:…

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